Travel the World

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My mail from East-Africa (1)

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This is the first e-mail from East Africa sent from Zanzibar  

The means of communication during travel is e-mail, even in East Africa


Well this is the third time I'm trying to sent an e-mail to you all from Zanzibar. First of all I'm writing this in english because then I only have to sent one message and on the other hand that is what I do all day around here aswell so...

Anyway I'm halfway of my journey and arrived at Zanzibar (island for the coast of Tanzania) yesterday. The weather has been nice (25 C - 30 C) and the nature really green because of the raining season. Raining means at one time your really get a lot of water and only a few mintues later it stops and is summer again. But most of the time it has been nice summer weather :))

Well we started at Vic Falls where we did some rafting on the Zambesi river. It was really great despite the one time I was under the boat and had a few scarry moments to grasp for air. But it's really wild :)

After that we were in Zambia which we drove through and only stopped halfway in a national park (south Luanga) where we did a 'game' drive. We saw all the big animals really close including some lions which is really rare this time of the year at that park. We slept between Hippo's eating at night.

Afterwards we went on to Malawi, one of the poortest and rural countries of the world, But really friendly and cheap. We camped a few days at Lake malawi at the beach and that felt like a real beach vacation. Which was nice for a few days and got my skin some color but today I saw that it was already pealing of so ..

After that we travelled to Tanzania where we mainly drove and did some 'bush' camping. Yesterday we arrived at Zanzibar by ferry and now I'm in the old stone town writing this.

Finally some civilazation and a nice hotel.

In a few days we will be back on the mainland and off to Kenya. Maybe from there I will sent a message again




(c) Martijn Moser, Amsterdam 1997-2001
updated: februari 18, 2001.