Travel to Peru

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San Franciso monastery

This monastery lies in the center of Lima and is worth visiting, It has a famous library, some beautiful sites and a an ugly cellar. here they buried the dead for a long time and now you can see lots of bones

San Fransico monestry
Letters typed in Ica


If you want your documents to be typed ?
On the doorstep of the city hall this man was earning money by helping people type their important papers or help them read them, where do you find such service anymore


On the road to
(3000 meters ) 

Our first way up into the high Andes was on the way to Chivay to later see the Colca canyon. The view on the high planes is magnificent. The mighty 'El Misti' is in the back ground and you can see Lama's, vegunias and Alpaca's in this endless landscape  

On the way to Chivay

Colca Canyon

On our way back, after we watched the Condors fly of to the sea, I taste some of the Cactus fruit this lady sold along the road and couldn't resist and took another picture  

Colca Canyon


(on lake Titicaca)
We stayed on Taquille for a night in the house of a family from the tribe that lives on this self supporting Island in the middle of lake Titicaca. On the Island you she the women spin the wool and the men knitting it into clothes. Especially the caps are important, because you become a man if you can knit your own cap. If you get married you have to knit a new one because married men ware different ones from the singles 

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

After the fire in September 1997

We hiked the Inca trail to machu Picchu and were tired but fulfilled to see the city early in the morning. Lucky for us it survived the fire from a month before. It felt if we discovered it by our selves. Until the first buses with people arrived that came directly from Cusco and missed the spiritual way of the trail 


My own home France (Serre Chevalier) Argentina Chile Bolivia Peru USA China
Spain (Andalucia) Spain (basque region) South Africa Zambia /Zimbabawe Malawi Faces of Zanzibar Tanzania Second page with pictures from China
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(c) Martijn Moser, Amsterdam 1997-2001
updated: februari 18, 2001.Canon EOS500N